Monday, October 17, 2011

Table Decor

The chew gave a lesson on how to fold napkins the other day, so I tried it. I alternated between the rings for kicks and giggles I guess. The rose in the middle was from Matt as a I love you gift, good man!

Halloween Decorations

If you can believe it I made all of these decorations. Some I even invented myself!

More Christmas Cards

Made some more Christmas Cards a few weeks ago. They turned out so cute!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

New Appliances

I love having a DVR I record any show while still at school. I saw a commercial for the show called The Chew and setup a timer to record, boy am I glad I did. They did a kitchen remodel the other day for only $250 dollars (video linked)!

Anyways, near the end of the clip the lady showed how to update your appliance without spending too much money. I became inspired and check out what Matt did for me! :)

 Pretty sweet huh? It is simple and cheap! We went to k-mart and purchased plastic primer spray and the color of our choice (lime green). Be sure  to tape off what you don't want colored. Prime it. Spray paint it an hour later and presto! A new appliance that you will love! I was conscious about what I sprayed of course- I didn't spray the inside or anything that will come in contact with food or over heat. I love to collect green things, but not pay a lot, this is a great way to do it!

If you dare, try it!