I recently received my masters and wasn't able to go out and walk to receive my diploma. It was held in Cambridge, Massachusetts and like my other classmates it just wasn't feasible. We decided to have our own graduation party.
We, I mean Matthew, Barbecued.
We had amazing food to eat.
An ice cream cake with our names on it.
Cute decorations and plates. This one is a cap we found at DollarTree. I know it is hard to see.
Amazing friends to share it with.
And the cutest party favors ever! A girl from our class made these. In the plastic wrap she put a bookmark and the yellow antenna balls that go on cars! She brought a camera and robe and photographed us all in caps and gowns. You will see them to come shortly. Everyone will be sending pictures so I will upload some of those as well. It was a fantastic and fun night to remember. We plan to do reunions!
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